About Us

Being human, we retaliate. Being
wise we cooperate

Our Goals:

  • To win the future consciousness challenge
  • To create a new cohort of wisdom leaders to be active across the globe.
  • To establish wise practices and wisdom indexes in all fields (WISDOM COMPASS).
  • To change zero-sum games into nonzero-sum games using wisdom.
  • To focus on issues that put us on the same boat like environmental problems and SDGs in general.
  • To consciously and wisely build the New Normal


During times of crisis, it can be a comfort to hear and learn from industry professionals. But, after the crisis is over, it’s worth sitting for reflection and wisdom. COVID 19 crisis is certainly a turning point in the history of mankind, and the world before COVID 19 and after it will never be the same. It’s an opportunity to rethink our conducts and priorities in order to build a wiser world.

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View All Founding Fathers

HE. Dr. Maher Khedher

Founder & Chairman

Word of the Chairman


Facing the complexity and interdependence of post-normal times it’s evident that there can be no zero-sum game solutions to our problems and ever-rising conflicts . There is only wisdom and wise solutions where co-existence and cooperation is the norm.

In the new era of Post Coronavirus, individuals, organizations and nations should work hard to increase their Global Consciousness. And we define Global Consciousness as the new concept of being aware of global risks engendered by the increased interconnectedness, interdependence and complexity of the world systems. Ignoring such Global Consciousness will lead to uncertainty and different types of deep strategic ignorance that threaten the very existence of mankind.

To address this alarming situation – where nothing seems to be sure, truly guaranteed, or totally safe – we have designed a WISDOM COMPASS that is double-edged; Wisdom Index(WI) from one side, and Wisdom Maturity Model (WMM) from the other side. This compass will be Humanity’s life boat in wild oceans, where acceleration is the norm, predictability is rare, and small changes can lead to big consequences in no time (Butterfly. Effect).

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